The international School is an exemplary public school established to import education of the highest standard to children from all sections of the society. It is located a little away from Tolichowki in the heart of Hyderabad. Imparting education of a high standard to children to help them achieve excellence in their performance has been the foremost objective of the academy. The setting is a three acre garden estate, which has fully furnished school buildings, and spacious playgrounds, an idyllic site for the pursuit of education and all round development of the child.

All About

What makes IEA Special and Unique?
CURRICULUM: The school has opted for the I.C.S.E. syllabus and it is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi. The student's achievements are continuously assessed through slip tests, unit tests and home assignments
ASSESSMENT: Project work is an essential component of the curriculum activity. There are three formative assessments and three summative assessments (term-end exams) for classes I to X.
FACILITIES: A Huge Green Campus, Spacious Laboratories for the Sciences and Computers, Smart Boards, Multimedia rooms, library and reading corners, are facilities available in the school.
TRANSPORT: The school has a fleet of well maintained buses with GPS and cameras installed.
THE STAFF: The Principal and members of the teaching staff are dedicated professionals, highly motivated and experienced.

President's Message
The International Educational Academy was established by Dr. Kakarla Subbarao, an internationally renowned radiologist and visionary. The high ideals that he cherishes and the urge to serve the cause of education prompted him to establish the AcademyDr Kakarla Subba Rao was born on 25 January 1925 in a middle class agricultural family at Pedamuttevi, a small village in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, India. He was a bone radiologist and former Director of Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad And was also the Chairman at Padmawati women medical college. He was also honourable radiologist at osmania medical college. EDUCATION HE HAD DONE HIS MBBS FROM ANDHRA MEDICAL COLLEGE. And done his Residency From USA And came to India and worked as an honourable radiologist at Osmania medical college and again went back to USA to complete his fellowship .
Secretary's Message
K. SUSHRUT Exe. Jt. Secretary IEA
In our competitive world it is not possible to do away with the examination system but a school must enforce techniques mentioned above to mould every student with interest as the key. Parents must take initiative in assessing the interest level of their child in all areas that include academics, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities on a daily basis. The parent-child-teacher relationship should include a partnership that monitors the interest levels of the students throughout the growing years. The parent and teacher must also accept the child's probable interest in certain areas more than others and encourage the child in whatever areas the child exhibits interest. After all the most important function of the school is to enable every child to explore his/her interests in various areas so that by the time the child reaches adulthood he/she has developed a passion for certain academic/co-curricular areas that he will ultimately pursue as a profession.

Principal's Message
Most parents want to raise children who are healthy, confident, cooperative, responsible and who know their limits and make right choices. Here |am presenting an example of an ideal child ‘XYZ” and analyzed why ‘XYZ’ is the way he is and how as parents we have a major role in his upbringing.
- At the age of 10 he believes he is a capable child who knows how to resolve his problems if he works on them.
- He understands his limits and responsibilities and how to deal with the consequences.
- He knows the value of money - ‘can afford’, ‘can’t afford’.
- He shows ability to assess himself.
- He shares some ability to communicate tactfully, cooperate, negotiate, share, empathize and listen.
“XYZ is a capable child”. It did not happen automatically, but he is a product of much time spent by his parents e Exploring rather than explaining Encouraging and believing in him rather than directing. Celebrating his achievements rather than criticizing his mistakes Showing respect for his behavior and opinions
Involving him in day today decisions and house work to make him feel part of everything that happens in the family
If you want a ‘XYZ’ in your house, you have to be involved, be a friend, have fun and be a guide to your child and reflect on the above mentioned analysis.